
If the photos are important to your line of work, consider watermarking them. It deters people from ripping them off for their own commercial use.

I know Condello recently had some of his fish photos ripped off for some tackle company's advertisement.

Originally Posted By: esshup
Originally Posted By: sprkplug

Now if you're in that 1% where ponds and fish, (or covered wagons), are paying the bills and putting food on the table, then that's where the share the blame thing I spoke of earlier comes into play. If it's really about your livelihood, then step up and take control of the thing....don't rely on a third party like photobucket. And it sounds like that's what's happening with a few members, who are putting photos on their own websites, trying to reduce their dependence upon third parties. Nice.

Tony, I agree 110%. I'm in the 1%, and I'm not going to rely on a 3rd party to host pictures. I found a way to put them on my website, but not leave them all visible to the public, so if anyone downloads the web page say with their phone, it won't eat up a lot of their data like it would if I made them public (I think). Still working on it albet slowly because there's still pond stuff to do even though it's HOT out.

OTOH, I really think Photobucket should say "O.K., we screwed up, from now on all 3rd party hosted pictures will cost "X" per year as a subscriber but all the pictures that were there before will be grandfathered in and those pictures will remain as it was."

I see the internet as a huge library, and that's where many people go to learn. I see a lot of the photos as parts of the text book so to speak, not just put up there frivolously.

Last edited by Bocomo; 07/25/17 12:14 PM.