Originally Posted By: spark
Ken, those photos aren't lost, you still have them. Start a new thread entitled "memories,"blast from the past," etc, and post away. Encourage others to do the same. Lots of newer members are unaware of pondboss's storied past. Turn the p- bucket debacle into an opportunity to revisit the archives through photos.

I'll try. Being retired is difficult.

I just got off the phone -- after multiple calls, all wanting some kind of assistance. (Long story -- includes moonshine, guns, jail, lawyers ....) No, not me, these are just my otherwise-friendly neighbors feuding with each other.

Lynda just hollered down the stairs to ask if I got distracted in getting my truck and cargo trailer ready to go at 7:00 AM tomorrow to help our grand daughter and son-in-law move a bunch of stuff.

I'm heading to a family reunion on the South Shore of Lake Superior later this week.

We just got back from a crazy, but fun trip to northwest Canada.

Being retired is difficult. I'll try see what I can do to post a bunch of fun old photos with captions when I get back from Lake Superior.


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