I agree with what all of you have said. I do see what sprkplug is saying about perspective. How many of you have had the horrible day when you can't get on the internet or your facebook or twitter is down?? I have seen days here in rural Arkansas where service is substandard and folks can't get online or view facebook or watch netflix and you would think someone died. We have become such a "tech savvy" people, that many of us have forgotten what life is without tech. I for one have had that fit before. Normally because I can't get on a forum or browse ebay or something. I don't have a smartphone, but I have seen the "I can't access my facebook "face".." Its not a good one. I was EXTREMELY disappointed when I got on here and all the pics I was used to looking at were gone. I do know that folks that put the how to's on these sites and do the experiments and record observations, that lost their pics feel like all that work was in vain and feel like throwing their hands in the air. I know its business but I think it could've been done differently...maybe by giving people some time? I don't know, I didn't know anything was going to happen until I logged on here and the pics were gone. I feel for you guys that put SOOO much work in the awesome posts on this site!

I would just like to see us as a culture take a step back and look at how dependent we have become on technology. What would happen in a big city if the power was out for a few weeks? During the big ice storm in 2001 or so we were out for 10 days and I was working on a dairy farm at the time. It was hard...we depended a lot on electricity and tech then, but nothing like today...and nothing like a city. We do not teach kids how to live or what to do without tech. The net and all the "businesses" free or not, are a lot like a big brother...they can be your best friend one day and take your candy the next. Like many have said...and what I have started doing is backing that mess up, and making sure it is safe.

I know I went a bit off base and kind of got carried away. Sorry for that. Oh yeah, got a GOOD rain last night, My pond came up nearly a foot and is close to the spillway!! Never had that at the end of July!!