Saying "I told you so," or "suck it up is fine," but expect blowback. If you don't you will be perceived by people like me as disingenuous.

Its a free country, unless you want to create a new NFL, MLB, NBA, Ect.

There are laws in place that do not serve the greater good. Money talks, and BS walks. Always has, always will. Vote with your dollars.

When it gets bad enough, the tea goes into the harbor. Then it get serious.

This is not about the tea. But it is a pain as there is a lot invested in places like PBucket. Changing the rules is legal, but it sucks. The individual investment is high.

In short, This is effecting a lot of people negatively. Have some empathy.

Side note: I never used Pbucket for this very reason. All free stuff goes away sooner or later. And if you are not paying, you are the product.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%