bdog - Cecil is one of our knowledgable trout raisers. Hopefully he will help out with some information here. Use the Search feature at the top right of the page. Click on it and type in trout as a search word. Search under many topics because people post questions under all kinds of general forum headings.

As Wood said, I also think the biologist and hatchery had the numbers to stock fairly close. Since you are new at fish raising I would stock initially on the conservative side and use about 80- 100 trout if you feed them. As you will read some also stock minnows with the trout, but personally I think the fishing will be better if you do not stock minnows.

Others here have posted about having ground water enter their pond. You can read other posts on how they manage with that feature. Trout are a good choice if you have a cold ground water supply for the pond.

Come back and ask questions if you need more answers or ideas.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management