I have searched and searched for an answer to this question and have not been able to come up with an answer. So I would like to ask my first question on Pondboss. Great forum by the way, I've learned a ton already.

I have a pond that is over two miles away from the nearest source of power, so AC is not a choice.

I am searching to find an aeration system that will run off of a solar/battery power system. I've been trying to locate a pump that will run off of 12 or 24VDC but havn't been able to.

Does anyone know of or have experience in doing this? The pond is only a little less than 2 acres and is fed by a seasonal creek. The fish health has been good, Has some Lilly pads, and a little algae in late summer. I'd like to just improve the health of the pond as much as possible without spending a fortune.

I'd really like to do a DIY project and have no problem doing any mechanical or electrical work.