BrianL, yes I have pinched back the feeders to a 2 second throw in the early morning and a 1 second and two second throw in the evenings. That's 3 TH feeders at one per acre. Like I said earlier, I have cut back on the feeding this past few months because of my past experience with 12" green water during the hot summer months. I am still seeing heavy blooms even after cutting back on the feeding this past few months. The last two years I would have been feeding at 15 second throws 3 times per day.

I had to replace the sparkplug on the Honda pump and we are back and running the Big Sprinkler. The problem is I am not there to have it running at dusk and at dawn. Not sure how much the sprinkler helps but makes me feel a little better than nothing being done. It is an irrigation sprinkler and kicks out a lot of water, all the Honda 160 pump will pump.

Tj, I may bite the bullet on the power line before it is all over and done with but I am still looking into a generator with propane fuel.

Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
