Yep, those are natural born citizens of my pond. I have not done any stocking of any sort since we moved here in 2015. I am having an electro-shock survey done this fall, and will be doing some corrective stocking after that, depending on what we find (i.e. any other species besides BG and BCP.
In the meantime, I keep working on reducing my nutrient load, raking out FA, improving the water quality as best I can think of (repaired the two inflow silt pond dams, etc). We were definitely NOT seeing BCP this plump when we first started fishing here two years ago. Most WRs were under 80% for the ones I measured.
I'm still not sure how the BCP are able to grow to the size they are in my small BOW, but they do...
If I gain some insight on that, I will be sharing with the forum for sure..

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.