"already out about $6k and gonna get worse". Way wrong DD, if that doubles, your grandkids will remember this adventure after they are older than you are now. That will be a looong time. Also consider this, after your gone and if they would inherit 6k each that wouldn't even buy each a decent used truck or even a good coon dog. 31 yrs ago I took two months off work, bought an old Ford van with a pop up roof. Loaded my 13 yr old son and 8 yr old daughter up and headed to Az and Co for a month each. They often speak of the fun we had. Last week my daughter and her 3 kids stoped by and I broke out the scrap book. Man did we all laugh and there were quite a few remarks about what punks mom and uncle Eric were. Of course I corrected the grandbrats and said ARE. Every eveniing I would take about an hr and record most of what happened in a journal. I also liked to find post cards of the areas and then take my pics of said places with the kids in them. Have a blessed time !!!

Do nature a favor, spay/neuter your pets and any weird friends or relatives.