Originally Posted By: TGW1
I've done two burns at my place. Both areas were 5 to 6 acres or around 12 acres total. One was located in a small portion of my pines. Neither were in the area of the pond. My purpose was to improve the native deer browse. I would have done a much larger area but was not able to get any assistance from known burn companies or any government offices. I spoke to two different fire dept's and they were pretty much (I don't want to know about it). Finally, one of the fire dept people pulled me off to the side and whispered to me, call us if it gets out of hand. I made sure I had plenty of help around when I lit up the pine area, just in case. And that area worked out pretty well but I will not do it again till I thin out my pine tree's so more sunlight will hit the ground.

The second burn did not go so well. The wind came up and the fire almost got out of hand. My tractor saved the day, but I did worry at the time I was going to lose a tractor and an operator at the time. I will not burn again unless I can get a burn company to do the job. Just my experience with burns, hope this helps. I would not do a burn in the pines, I would do a select cut if it were me, and it's not me. lol good luck and I hope I do not here of a forest fire in our area around the time of your planned burn Frank. smile

Tracy, I'm surprised at the fired departments comments....I always found the rural fire dept's I dealt with would do the controlled burns, just for practice, training, and equipment checks.