my old pond would get a brown look for months at a time. you could take a small boat with trolling motor and stir it up. it only seemed to be the top few inches. it was perfect green color underneath.

my new pond is on it's 3rd summer. first 2 seasons water was perfect. this year it kept a pretty stained look, but not like my old pond. i added 5 tons of lime and it got clear within a week. i still can't get a heavy enough bloom, but it is green now instead of brown.

it sure seems like each pond is different for sure. i have fought fa and other weeds in both ponds. i see other ponds all around that look perfect. i really think the fish load and auto feeders contribute too many nutrients for me.

please keep us updated on your water clarity. i'd like to know how soon yours settles out.

Scott Hanners