Yeah, there's a market for rattler meat and I guess probably for moccasins. Evidently the quotas are by region. Ours is up into Oklahoma but no idea how big each area encompasses.

I was talking to a transplant from somewhere up North who asked about rattlesnake danger. I told him that I don't worry about them and had never actually been bitten. He responded that once you skinned out a native Texan, most of the remains would be pretty indigestible.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP