Hosty - "type in raising trophy bass". Where?

If you haven't figured it out yet, You will use different managagement techniques to grow trophy bass than a predominance of 2 - 3 lb bass with an occasional 4 or 5 pounder. It is in how you thin the numbers of remaining bass and the available forage items. Bob's booklet discusses most of this we can help you here when that time comes. Initially I think you will only get about 8 to 14 two to 3 pound bass in a 1/2 acre. The rest will be 1 pound or less. You might be able to boost this number once you get more experience. You might want to print all this and save it for later (4-5yrs) and look back on all this. See how close all this worked out.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management