I restricted the cattle off this part of the property when I saw the nest activity for 3 weeks, but needed the spring grass on that portion of the property so let them back in. I have 5 or 6 nesting areas, and the cattle seem to affect 2 of them. I also noticed that there are now more nests that are in deeper water. (4-5 feet) so maybe the fish have compensated for the negative impact of the cattle?? It isn't practical to fence the areas of the pond that are affected. The pond is about 7 years old and it has had cattle activity its entire life. One thing is certain - I have larger and more CNBG and RES than I have seen previously.
Happy to say that I have not had issues with significant algae.

Thanks for your input. I am seeing another batch of new nests and will likely move the cattle off that property again for a few weeks.

"Our Life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, Simplify" -Henry David Thoreau -