Originally Posted By: esshup
Originally Posted By: wbuffetjr
I am interested in this as well. How easy is it to injure/kill a fish when tagging it?

Greg's shopping part of the forum is under construction.

Tagging a fish means putting a "T" shaped small piece of plastic through the skin and through part of the spiny or soft dorsal fin that is under the skin, and letting the top of the "T" turn sideways so it doesn't pull out. Usually you remove a scale in that area so the needle can go in, or slide it between 2 scales.

You know the plastic tags that are on clothes? The part that is pushed through the clothes is the same size that is pushed into the fish, and the thin part that holds the tag on clothes is identical to the thin part that holds the tag on fish.

I see... It doesn't look difficult. With Trout I wouldn't have to worry about scales. Is it not a problem "handling" the fish that much? I would really like to tag all the Trout we stock this year. I just worry about transporting them ~5 hours and then manhandling them all to get them tagged. It would suck if I ended up killing a bunch!

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