After much discussion (American Sport Fish, 2 different biologist, couple fisheries, and PB members) , many hours fishing, and observation, I think I had very very poor survival of the Tiger bass. AS the water has warmed up, the FHM that I hoped had been eaten are still there in very large schools. I have probably over 30+ hours fishing, not one bass. I am walking the edges at night with a light, nothing. Watching the surface, nothing. American Sport Fish thought with the way I stocked, those original fingerlings should be between 1-2#s and I should be catching and/or seeing fish by now.

I still have another week or so before I can get any new bass, so I will continue to fish, and watch. I think those original LMB must have stressed from something and all met the same demise. I wished I knew for sure what was the reason, but I will never know for sure.

I think this round I will go with 100-150 northern bass and a little larger size. I'm thinking the 6-8" fits my wallet. Tiger bass are only available early/mid summer, and only in 2" fingerlings. I hate to risk the same result and be a year way for knowing if they survived. I also starting to worry about my CNBG overpopulating. They have been in there over a year and doing very good.

1.8 acre pond with CNBG, RES, HSB, and LMB
Trophy Hunter feeder.