For 33 acres, that is a lot of water to be stocking trout. The HOA would probably have to help defray the cost. The trout should generally hang together as a group especially if they are fed pellets in one area. The trout will eventually find the feeding area. Other fish will likely lead the trout to the feeding area. If you stock 10 per acre that is 300 trout. Your 33 acres is likely at or near carrying capacity so adding trout may result in added competition of existing fish. If I were doing it, I would be removing one bass for every trout stocked to help minimize chances of food shortages. Since the pond has bass don't stock any smaller than 8". Better size with bass present for trout survival is 10"-12" and even some larger.

There are numerous trout farms in MI. One place in southern MI to check for selling you some trout is:
They used to sell fish but now it might be only a pay for fishing place. Call them for stocking advice.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 03/17/17 07:39 PM.

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