I've never owned a flail, but I have used one a few times. Right now, where I'm at with our property, a flail would be my choice.

My wife and I went to buy a new tractor yesterday. We decided upon the LS brand, model XR4145. A 45 hp, 4000 lb unit, big enough to do what I needed it to do, the last tractor we should ever need. It's been a long, hard fought struggle with myself to reach this point.

We arrive at the dealership where we're met by the owner. I've known this guy for many years, we both sold and serviced equipment, attended the same update schools, helped each other when we could. His wife is my second cousin. In short, I'm comfortable with him.

We talk for a moment, and I tell him what we're there for. He hands me a set of keys, and off I go for a test drive. I climb on and fire it up, mostly concerned with the operation of the loader. In a few moments he shows up, I shut it down and we start talking. After a few minutes discussion of my intended usage, he hints at the idea that this might not be the tractor I really need. No surprise here, upselling is the domain of a good salesman, right?

Except he's not trying to move me up into another machine, he wants to move me down into a smaller, less expensive tractor. Turns out, he believes the 4145 is overkill for what I need. Now when it comes to tractors, I'm a firm believer on weight first, horsepower second. And more of both is better. He doesn't share that philosophy, and when we measure the distance between the rear wheels, I have to agree. If we go with this unit, we're buying new implements...he is happy to sell me those, but I'm not taken with the idea.

So, he recommends moving down to the next smaller, 3100 series. I don't like that, as I'm giving up almost 1000 lbs and 5 hp. He claims, much as snrub has, that the 4WD will level the playing field compared to my 801. But dropping down also gets me that smaller front axle, and that makes me nervous. So I climb up on the smaller tractor and head to his mulch piles. And I got it dirty. It performs well, but I'm still cautious.

He sees my hesitation, and offers to bring the tractor out to my place, and let me keep it for a week just to make sure it will do what I want. Very kind on his part, but I wouldn't feel right about that, so I decline.

In the end, we left without a new tractor. But, we are going back on Monday to take another look. And we did start the paperwork. Still not convinced, but we'll see.

"Forget pounds and ounces, I'm figuring displacement!"

If we accept that: MBG(+)FGSF(=)HBG(F1)
And we surmise that: BG(>)HBG(F1) while GSF(<)HBG(F1)
Would it hold true that: HBG(F1)(+)AM500(x)q.d.(=)1.5lbGRWT?
PB answer: It depends.