Hello to all,

Looking for an aquatic herbicide to take out the lily-pad based variety floating plants. They are really starting to pop-up and I know w the weather warming up too, now is the correct time [location, near Columbus Texas). I will also invest in the proper type aquatic surfactant as well.

One important thing to consider is that near 2 of my 3 ponds, there are oak trees that likely have roots taking on pond water. I do not want to use a herbicide [like pellets] that will fall to the bottom and be absorbed into soil or roots of trees. Need something that is absorbed via the upper exposed vegetation and systemically taken to roots. I know this is going to be an application battle of every 3-4 weeks to keep hitting the emerging pads that were sub-surface on the prior application. I'm ready for the task.

Next, some of these plants are pretty far out, so my aluminum boat and I are going to have to make the trip. What is the best process when using a small boat for spraying plants? I will wear a life-jacket and so will my 14 yr old daughter if she's the engine.

Finally, if I hit the surface w the "herbicide to be", and we get a rain, does the active ingredient move downstream? In essence, don't want to possibly send a herbicide down stream where live-oaks are growing.

Thank you very much and pls let me know if you have any questions. I'm ready to get going on this.
