Originally Posted By: Tbar

Uhm, for those confused, this is an argument for States rights and not against them. The 5th Amendment is being used, and rightly so, since technically all the Amendments are incorporated under the 14th Amendment. The argument that some want, having a higher power to go to other than the State, is actually being satisfied here as per the Constitution. This is how the Constitution works, you follow it, you observe it, you honor it, and then you might have a Republic you can keep.

This notion that there should always be a "higher power" to go to for satisfaction is circular. Who does one go to, if you don't have a Constitution, after the Supreme Court? Does one count on the epa? If you don't like the epa do you then go to a world court? What then a Universe court? That argument makes absolutely no sense.

We have a Constitution and it is perfect in that if you don't try and bastardize it, it works. It is also perfect in that a very simple instruction manual came with it for those who want to change it. That manual doesn't have a provision for the soup of the day "I'm in the mood for the epa" law. You have to make your case, gather the votes, and get it done right. This hasn't really been done properly since prohibition and then again by removing prohibition.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.