Probably a neighbor.

A local conservation agent told me anytime a dozer is seen working within a quarter mile of a creek he can expect to get a call. He says there is rarely a problem, but when someone calls in with a complaint they are required to check it out. Anyone with google earth can be a self appointed environmental activist.

If you have good and reasonable locals, it probably stops there. But if it is sent higher up the chain, corps or EPA, the troubles could compound if you happen to be the unlucky one who gets over zealous agents or someone trying to work their way up the government food chain.

I suspect ewest is limited in what he can say about any individual case.

And ewest, thanks for defending the Constitution. I happen to think the people who are responsible for creating this Republic put a lot of thought into it based on all the problems they witnessed with other forms of tyranical government. It has stood the test of time, despite repeated attemps to minimze it.

Last edited by snrub; 03/03/17 12:00 PM.


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