Originally Posted By: John F
I couldn't justify buying the next size larger tractor for what I will do with it: occasional dragging of brush, a motorized wheelbarrow for carrying rocks, dirt, and mulch. Also pulling a trailer around the place once in a while. General light duty maintenance. Plus, my shed is not very big and only has a 8 x 7 ft door.

I think you bought the perfect size for your acreage and ponds John. That is the size I had with my JD2520 and it was a great little tractor. I had it several years and did a lot of work around my current ponds. Two reasons I traded up in size. One was I thought the larger tires and heavier tractor might be a little easier on my bad back. Not bounce around quite as bad. The other was I just had a hankering for something a little bigger. Bigger isn't better if you don't need it. Smaller gets around in tight places better.


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