Waters can naturally produce great fisheries. Completely natural conditions often have the ability to achieve a balance. It happens in remote Canadian lakes continually. It is usually by human intervention that usually upsets the natural balance which is often by improper harvest and greed by anglers. Even the stresses of improper catch & release or too much or too frequent catch and release can create a unintended stress on the fishery balance. These human stressors can cause premature deaths of the delicate natural "balance" of the fish size structure that created the initial BALANCE.

Generally the smaller the water body and less of the proper habitat there is that allowed the BALANCE, the easier it is to upset the natural balance.

Wise fishery management can compensate for unbalanced conditions, improve fish body condition(RW) and produce or adjust for a desired balance.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management