I do plan to keep good catch records with sizes, pictures, dates, etc. (any other tips on catch records?). I did a little catfishing last night just to see if I could catch something random. I didn't do anything special. I just used some PowerBait I had. Nothing. I also threw a little inline spinner, crankbait and jig. Nothing. This afternoon I will have a few friends over and all of our kids fishing with worms. I will take lots of pictures. If they are GSF I will probably throw them in a bucket and maybe use for catfishing tonight. I have never seen any sign of a predator fish but while messing around last night there was a huge swirl/splash near me about 6 or so feet from the bank. It could have been a frog or something but haven't seen any frogs big enough to make that kind of splash. The plot thickens!!! I'll update as I get information. Probably tonight.

NTHA - North Texas Half Acre
Cattle Ranch Ponds