Thank you both very much for your replies and all of your GREAT help. Seriously. I really appreciate it.

This pond was completely dredged out about 15 years ago. It was initially dug about 40+ years ago. A next door neighbor quoted me at approximately $1,500 to re-dig this pond back out again this spring. WOW! That's it? Heck yeah, I'll have him do if for that cheap probably in March.

As you mentioned Bill, maintaining it will be much easier than only working against new growth on top of what is already there (i.e., your 2017 comment).

I significantly understated the last estimation I previously posted here. I thought it was about 25x30. Not even close. Before having it dug out again, it's 95' x 65'.

This neighbor fella also educated me on his experience of stocking his own ponds with trout from the trout hatchery about 5 miles from here. He said he really hoped this local hatchery would educate him on stocking density and proper management methods for live fish delivered, to begin with. He spent $350 for a delivery, and they all died because his water is too warm. He said he quickly learned [rainbow] trout can't handle 59F degrees. He also noted the hatchery doesn't care about customers, and only wants to sell fish to anyone wanting them. They require you to buy 100 pounds minimum.

So, to avoid making a new post to ask this question, while I hopefully still have you available here Bill:

What is the ideal pond shape and depth dimensions to have this one redug to? I just read Bob Lusk's article here, stating 3 to 1 slope is ideal, (though it is pretty steep sided right now): I recall a new pond development forum section I'll go read as well, but of course would like your input, being a reknowned contributor here on PBF. Lastly on this note, would you agree with this page?:

Obviously I will put ALL INTENTIONS off until after pond is excavated again this coming March. I also just found this site for what to stock, when, and how many.

Many thanks again,

Last edited by DCQuarterCircle; 02/04/17 04:15 PM.