Let me explain better. The system with the Gast pump and stone diffuser worked great. In less than 90 days the diffuser plugged causing the inline pressure to rise to 30psi. overworking the pump and the thermal override kicked the pump off. The melting temp indicator had activated verifying this. I am not blaming the pump or system other than how fast the diffuser plugged. I live in Iowa and the pond freezes, so now I have a 30 ft diameter hole in the ice and cannot get a boat out to clean or replace the diffuser. I do not want this situation to happen again, I have to wait now to get my system running again. If I change to a compressed air system with diffusers I can control how much air is let out by volume. Not a set flow like with the Gast pump. When the diffusers plug I will be able to slow the amount of air to not over pressurize the system. My efficiency of moving water will suffer until I can get to them but it will still work in a diminished capacity. I can monitor this with a low pressure gage. I am hoping to build a system that I can control better. With a fixed flow system I do not have this option.