Total cost will come in around $175,000 - $250,000

If you are still reading this, the main cost driver is the excavation. A 1.5 acre pond will require moving at least 15,000 cubic yards of material. Using the existing pond as a footprint could reduce this and could take advantage of an existing water source. The price range is due to not knowing whether the bottom will need to be lined or not (feasibility would identify soil types). I also just want to mention that our approach to this pond is the same as it would be for any of our clients whether private citizen like you or a state agency – essentially meaning we do it by the book with proper planning, permitting, design, modern construction and materials. You may find folks willing to take the “dig a hole and put in a pipe”, or “you won’t need a permit unless something goes really wrong” approach for a lot less. Feel free, lots of people do it, although I got the sense you wouldn’t be one of them. Happy to answer questions, hope I didn’t scare you off.

There are a lot of variables so I made a few assumptions:
· On-site disposal of material
· 1.5 + acre size
· Pond depth of at least 10’ at dam (recommended for healthy fishery)
· Water source – spring on-site or adequate ground / surface flow
· Control structure (riser, outflow channel + emergency spillway)
· Design, permitting as required (no stream or wetland impacts)