In 2016 I learned that there's a very big difference in being able to weld, and being a welder. I'm pulling the trigger on a Miller 215 after Christmas, and plan to migrate from nail guns and impact wrenches to stick and mig in 2017. A hydroponic equipped greenhouse will be the big project. More fruit trees and only Heirloom vegetables will also be planted.

As far as my big pond, forage will be the tricky part next year. With the elimination of acres of coontail, comes far more open water, and a change in LMB feeding habits. The condition of the LMB will dictate what I do. Also, all 7-9" CNBG caught will be removed. They're too big for the majority of my LMB, but to small to be trophy's, so they need to go.

We've pushed our brood pond extremely hard this last year to see if year round forage could be a viable option by only stocking temperature sensitive fish(tilapia and RBT). The goal was as many productive months as possible with fish that can not survive and become a liability when other fish are introduced to the pond. I think it's doable, but 10 months into this, I'm not sure it's the best thing to do. In 2017 we'll give this pond a break, and only stock a few large CNBG for breeding purposes that have the visual and physical characteristics we want.

More Bluebird and Wood duck houses need to be put out. My experience is that birds don't seem to nest in bird houses sitting on my shop floor.

Because of the size of my big pond, I'll also going to a 1" gas powered siphon system to spray pond herbicides in 2017. A 12 volt pump and 25 gallon tank makes DIY weed control laborious at best.

Getting all the wood replaced, and a general mani-pedi of my 1981 Monark needs to be finished too.