He guys! Have not been around lately. I have lots of work to do. I had my dam get washed out about 3/5 of the way down. We had 16 inches of rain in about 4 hours. The 30 acre lake was about 2ft over the dam. Luckly i had grass growing on it. Well I see we are talking catfish growth here. The differance in growth here seems what your pond has the most of for forage. If the blue cats are growing faster there is proubly a good amount of baitfish in your pond. The bluecat is a hunter be nature. They only forage when they are out of normal food such as shad and perch. If the channel cats are growing faster than the blue the baitfish are at low numbers. Channels are lazy by nature and like to take the easy road by eating pellets. I have found out another thing. Young blues and channels seem to love fathead and mosquitofish. I catch channels and blues up 2 pounds on 2 inch long mosquitofish. I think if you want a good pond for blues and channels you need to feed pellets for the channels, have a good supply of fatheads in the pond before you stock the catfish, bluegill, and cover so the catfish have somewhere to rest. Also if you can put in threadfin shad. Do not let them be the only food source because in a cold snap they are gone. If you just want channels in a pond, stock early with fatheads and pellet feed them. If you want just blues i recommend stock fatheads early, put in threadfin (where you can), and bluegill. This is a great topic and alot of info is being shared. I like to say i had my first channel cat spawn since i have stocked the lake. The channels are from 3inches to 7inches long right now. I caught a 3inch long one in my castnet today. I really think these smaller ones washed in from another tank when it flooded because i caught 12inch bluecat today fishing. I have also noticed small bass in the 8 inch range. Since the rain i had a small spawn of threadfins but i think they have been hit hard by the crappie and small bass. I just hope none of my big blues swam away.

Fight'n Texas aggie class of 09!