Hey Bill
Thanks for the nice welcome. Finding this forum here, it felt like coming home smile I have participated in various forums in the last 10 years, but this has only been forum dedicated to koi and goldfish. Here there have been few who have had knowledge to challenges with a pond in the size I have. Not to talk about the challenges of the temperatures I have where I live. At this forum it is I who have the "small pond"!

I live halfway between Oslo (the capital) and Lillehammer (Olympic Winter Games 1994). In other words, the temperature range from + 30C in summer to -25C in winter.

I will make a separate film about the details of the pond. When you have seen it will be easier to understand what I'm trying to get to smile

The main reason I'm making a YouTube channel, is that my other hobbies is flying with drones (Phantome 4), shooting film (Drone, Canon and GoPro) and create gardens. In connection with work, I have a need to learn how to edit film. When kids has started to fuss about creating their own YouTube channel, I thought that it's okay to do it yourself first so that I actually understand what this is about.

The bonus is that it is a great way for my own part, to document what happens in the pond. It is especially nice to let others who are not able to have such a pond, the opportunity to participate in this journey.

It's nice if you all subscribe to my channel. The aim of the channel is not to maximize subscribers. But it's nice to see that people like what I spend time creating.

If the goal were as many subscribers as possible, the kids are telling me that I must create a channel about Pokemon Go or makeup. I think I'll stick to my pond laugh

Last edited by Haab; 11/06/16 09:39 AM.

Subscribe to "The 1.000.000 Gallon Koipond" on YouTube, and be a part of the transformation from a malodorous pond in the scrubland, to a healthy pond surrounded by a well kept park!
