My name is Hartvig, and I live in Norway. I have a pond at one million gallons where I have started a major upgrade. I've started a YouTube channel to have a place to gather documentation from the project. This year the focus has been the environment around the pond. I have spent much time getting cleared away lots of trees and scrub. in addition, I replaced the fence. Next year I have to look at what to do with the pond itself. Since I live in Norway, it is now winter, and the pond is covered with snow and ice. When I start again in the spring, I hope there is someone who will give me advice on what kind of solutions I shall choose to create circulation in the water smile






Last edited by Haab; 11/06/16 06:23 AM.

Subscribe to "The 1.000.000 Gallon Koipond" on YouTube, and be a part of the transformation from a malodorous pond in the scrubland, to a healthy pond surrounded by a well kept park!
