Bm61, I checked out native plants for my area and cross checked to see how quickly they spread and If they were considered invasive or not. I then went to an aquatic nursery and bought some pickerel weed and arrow root. I discouraged the FA with copper products. 3 or 4 years after planting, I now have some coon tail, americn pond weed, rushes of some sort, and water primrose along with the stuff I planted. Very little FA this year. So far, none of the vegetation has become even close to a problem. Looks like you are in the general geographic area of Bill D and me, so some of these suggestions might work for you too. Warning, be very carefull transplanting from one body of water to another. Stuff like water meal, duck weed and other nasties can hitch hike. Make sure you know what you are getting and putting in your water. Some times it is way harder to get out than it was to put in.

Good luck