ranch girl, first of all, don't feel bad if someone took your comments wrong...most people on this site have good sense of humors...others...well, they would probably get pissed off if you spelled bentonite or betonite. key point...you can't please everybody. have fun, avoid foul language, don't be afraid to respectfully poke fun at certain things and joke a bit. there's people everywhere that are so anal retentive you could stick some charcoal up their butt and they'd poop a diamond!! (i think that means they are so anal retentive/tight a..es that they would compress charcoal into a diamond...just one of those old sayings i guess. have fun, i liked your lunker/perch/guppie comments. i believe you are a lunker after you post around ten sites or so. you are moving up girl, mooovvving up....we are all so proud to see our little girl grow up into a lunker!!!

yes, take a little time and plan ahead, just like you would an architect job. be patient.

these folks are great. keep looking back on the previous post topics, and purchase the books offered on this site, and you will keep learning a bunch. i think most of the guys are glad to see a woman posting on this site because ...would be great to have our wives that interested in pond management....can you call my wife!!!??? ha, kidding. take care, keep us posted. mark