Been gone a long time. Like Bob, I have been busy. I too, saw trouble on the horizon with the mag and website. It does not take too long to read the mag. But since Otto started writing, it has been worth it.

I was always raised to be fair and honest. Back in the day, when filling stations had an air hose attached to the corner of the building, and you didn't have to put a quarter in... My daddy taught me that if I used the free air, I needed to buy something. If we were on a car trip and stopped at a station to use the restroom, we always bought something, just to be fair and decent. (Here comes my point) I use the web site to death, for free. So I pay for the mag in order to reimburse Pondboss for all that I have learned and continue to learn.

How fair is it to play and not pay. If you are using the site to gain knowledge, does it not feel sorta like stealing to not pay for the learning? I teach college. We charge over 29,000 for an Associates Degree. Education is not cheap. This website is offering a lot of education for free. I think that decent folk ought to be grateful enough to support them by paying for the mag. But that is just my opinion.

Nick Smith