I enjoyed hearing from the pros but I think there are enough people here with personal experience to learn from and share experiences with. I enjoy it a lot and learn a lot.

I talked with Lusk last Spring and he said the magazine is a money loser. I don't know the total circulation but figure there are a lot of posters here who don't support the web site by mag subscription or book purchases. Last year Lusk dropped the subscription price drastically and told me that it didn't do much good. Also, the web site is nothing but an expense to them. The whole thing is a money losing proposition. As for other pro's, Greg Grimes told me that he advertised in the mag but it didn't seem to generate any business for him. None of the above paragraph is meant to offend anyone but I can't see much incentive for them to spend time messing with the web site in lieu of working for a living.

I'm not sure why Lusk, McDonald and others keep paying for the web site when they don't mess with it and actually have to take money out of their pockets to provide it. I know that the software that the site runs on wasn't free to them and I doubt that the Webmaster, J.P. works for free. Printing, mailing and admin costs for the mag add up. All for $30 per subscriber. Maybe they are trying to build it up enough to sell it in the future. I haven't noticed any spam or junk mail so don't figure they are selling contact info.

Bottom line: It may die a slow death but for now is the best site on the net. Hell, it's just about the only site on the net to share experiences with others on personally owned fishing holes. There are other sites but they are pretty poor. I'll take what I can get. Again, no offense meant.
