Flame, from what I have seen recently I will say that feeding has caused a bloom and or algae. My sediment pond has and is producing algae blooms from feeding fhm's. Not enough fh's in there to fertilize from their poop or at least I don't think it was caused by poop. A side note is the sediment pond was built to reduce sand deposits into big pond from heavy rains. Sediment pond has an overflow that runs into the big pond, and will move the food fertilized water to the big pond in rain events. And now when everything takes place as it was setup, it now causes a bloom in the big pond and I don't need the algae in the big pond, it already has enough from nutrients. Dammed if u do and dammed if u don't scenario. I wondered the same question as u, in a feeder area that is loaded with cnbg, that area has greener water from heavy feeding or some heavy pooping. I pinched back feeding by 1/3rd but not sure if anything will change in that area other than some of the fish might move t another feeder eventually.



Last edited by TGW1; 09/17/16 05:19 AM.

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