I have done an unscientific comparison in my water hole between Purina LMB, and the Optimal Bass Food. My pond is just under an acre and I am currently feeding the Optimal bluegill feed in it 3 times a day, 8am, 6 and 8pm all for 13 seconds. I fed the LMB and SMB by hand between 4-5 pm. It took a few feedings for the LMB and a few SMB to decide if they wanted to try the Purina or not. When they did, they ate it aggressively. If I overused the Purina, some BG would peck at it, and it would become waste and sink to the bottom. Additionally, I could never use the Purina in my feeder due to it's size, it won't throw it. There was also an exceptional amount of dust/waste in the bag too.
The Optimal when feed was immediately eaten by LMB, SMB, and larger BG. The bass would just eat more pellets as they do with the Optimal BG food I am feeding in my feeder. There was very little waste compared to the Purina. On a side note, I have just noticed that actually my water quality has been better this year. In past years I have fed Aquamax 400,500 and 600 while struggling with feed dust in the bottom of my feeder and watching it on the top of the water create a film. I probably could reduce the dust/waste easily before putting the feed in the feeder.
After watching this, I will use up my Purina LMB this year, and next year mix the Optimal LMB and BG feeds to become a more efficient feed. Thanks to Essup for the sample of Optimal Bass food!

My momma never accused me of being to smart....