Wow NO!! I would not put that many LMB in my pond your asking for trouble once they start to get a bit bigger. If there small I might would go with 75 you need to remember that a one acre pond not fertilized and no air can hold around 50 to 75 pounds of predator fish. Your pond is a bit bigger so lets say 75 pounds. Well you do the math. If you have 50 bass in there that make it and grow , grow , grow, at 2 pounds each that's 100 lbs of predator fish already. Some will be bigger than others yes but your gonna hit your pound predator goal pretty quick for that size pond. Trust me on this less is more in this case.... If your getting 3 to 5 inch bass they are gonna grow fast with all that forage. Before you know it you will have 75 1 pound bass in your pond pushing the limit as to where you should be. So I might do 50 but I would not go over that. Maybe someone else here that has a little more experienced then myself will chime in and tell me if I am off base or not. I have no problem with folks correcting me......


Last edited by RC51; 08/22/16 01:36 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!