+1 what Dave said. If your gonna stock them stock them together that will give you all that much more food for your LMB. I also agree to stock bass in April or by mid May. You can put the FHM in there too cause as they spawn they will provide some smaller fish for your growing BG and RES. Then once you put your LMB in there wow they should be fat and happy! I see it says your pond is 1.25 acres. So be careful how many LMB you put in there. Now here is your big decision.

Do you want Large LMB or do your want Large BG? Or do you want a happy medium of both?

So to many LMB and you will have a bunch of 13 inch bass and BIG BG!

I to have a 1 acre pond and I put about 16 LMB in it but they were bigger. Mine were about 10 to 12 inches when I stocked them. And I new I had some left over stunted ones also that I hadn't caught.

If it were me and I was starting from scratch with smaller bass. I would put about 25 to 30 in there. When you do catch one they will be fat and sassy! Plus once they have a spawn you won't have to worry about not having enough bass.... Sooooo many people out here over do the LMB and then in 3 years they are like I have to many I cant get rid of them all.... So just FYI... Good luck man and have fun!!


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!