I am just going to throw this comment out there, more or less to remind ALL those that may be reading this that are thinking/planning stocking. The main contributors to this forum that have been doing this for years rarely get any benefit back from their years of knowledge. They aren't trying to sell you fish. Those that stock fish are doing the opposite, they want/need to sell fish, sometimes even selling you more than you need. Then if you have a stocking plan that is a bit "out of the box" thinking, your regular fish stocker won't have a clue to long term success. Again, the folks here are trying a lot of the different scenarios and know first hand what things work and don't, and what they would do differently if re-doing it.

Having said that, I bet a lot of the folks here that are pioneers in different stocking strategies where looked upon as "not listening". Because of them, we all know so much more of what works and what don't, and it also brings forth new ideas that someone may try.