Well now I have both of the airlift pumps ready and working great. I have been testing some new airstones for the bio reactive tank. The solar air pump needs to be able to run half the airlift and half the bio reactive tank. I will test the system as soon as I assemble it. That should happen on the next few weeks.

I am hoping I can keep the bio reactive tank flowing and oxygenated with gravity feed only during shore power outage times. Let me explain. If I can get a continuous churn in the bio reactive tank with the inlet water flow only without airstones running in that tank and the O2 levels stay high, I can use the solar powered air pump to run the airlift and move more oxygenated water when shore power is out. If not, I may try to get a slightly larger air pump and set my solar setup more efficiently to have the power to run the larger pump and one light.

Also, the setup has been re-arranged to make better use of the space to allow me to get to the far tank without going through 23 yoga positions. While the exercise is welcome, the waist of time that comes with it is not.

Now to get the system up and running.

Hopefully, I'll have more pictures of the running system soon.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%