Many thanks for offering to help on this. I agree, these PK shrimp are special and we need to create a friend to friend network to try to keep them going. I also was fortunate enough to get some of Carol's shrimp. I keep hoping my shrimp will set up a sustaining population and that I can then share them with others. Like RAH, I don't want to get in the business of shipping across state lines for profit or even to be helpful, in case I end up opening a can of worms.

But if local folk are needing some and I can help, I want to. My problem is that I have predators in my pond. I assume perch are snacking on the shrimp. The RES are most likely finding them tasty as well. I also have crayfish who probably can easily eat them as well.

I do catch some once in a while if I do some seining, but never a big population. If my population really gets established I'd love to know a way to harvest them. Is seining the only reliable way to do it?

I think it would be best if folks raised them in puddles that had no other predators. I'm not sure vegetation is that critical if there are no other predators. However you do want nice healthy green water with lots of members on the food chain below the PK shrimp so they can thrive.

Mine have made it through 2 winters so far.

Would PK shrimp be a good opportunity for a aquaponics set up? The green water from the fish side could be routed to a separate tank for the PK shrimp and that would make harvest a whole lot easier too?