They finally got started mid week, last. Some equipment issues slowed them down a bit, but owner worked Sat & Sun, and the pond's really starting to take shape.

Talk about a dream come true, and to top it off, he used the D8 himself, and told me to "jump on that 7, and move some dirt around. It's yer place and what can you hurt..." That was a real blast (actually pretty scary) but over an hour, I dug out a little hole about 60 feet across below the pond, to hopefully hold a little water and attract some more ducks. I plan on keeping bait (bullheads, crawdads and chubs) down there for river fishing. Putting a hydrant in below the dam to keep water in it if necessary.

Now I've also got about 100 yards of the blackest, richest dirt you can find stockpiled to use some other time.

It was a little frustrating at first, but now that it's going, I'm excited. I've taken about 24 hours vacation on 5 days just to watch and run gopher for the operators...livin' the dream...

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...