Kirk, do you plan on swimming in the pond also? If so, Daphnia are also known as "water fleas", which cause, "swimmer's itch".
EDIT: Snails (mollusks) are the vector for cercidia, not Daphnia (crustacean).

Honestly, I would strongly suggest swallowing your pride early, killing everything in the pond with Hydrated Lime, and restocking, without crappie, daphnia, bullfrogs and definitely no Koi.

I would even let the Hydrated Lime kill all the added plants as well, unless you KNOW the lilies are non-invasive. (many garden pond lily packages include spatterdock).

I suggest killing the pond because the loss of what you have spent now, could be but a fraction of what you may need to "correct" things in a year. Reading what you want from your pond, I can virtually guarantee that you will not be happy with what will be happening from what was stocked.

Last edited by Rainman; 06/27/16 09:54 AM.