I might as well go all in here and give the total package that I used. I promise to brace myself for the replies but don't need a whippin just some advice and options for correcting any big issues and way to move forward.

100 LMB
500 Red and Blue Gill
100 YP
100 black and white crappie
100 CC
100 Breeder Shiners
100 Rosey Reds
1000 FHM
100 snails
100 bull frog tadpoles
100 crayfish
10 Koi
1 Quart Daphnia

I probably should also mention that I have introduced water lilies and several other plants around ponds edge. I am really looking for a diverse pond environment an if we can have some fun catching fish at the same time then that would be great.

Maybe Bill's advise is the one to go with. Wait till fall and reassess the situation.