Ewest, the thought on the tilapia was to try and maximize available food to growing GSF while cutting down on FA (I've also heard rumors that they may eat chara under certain circumstances, but that played a negligible role in the decision to have them stocked).

As far as keeping biomass down goes, I'm hoping to maintain a very intensive culling program where I fin clip all fish under 2.5 inches and remove fish of any other size that are not comparable to the fish in the last post.

The hope is that by the fall I'll have a fishery consisting mainly of largemouth bass and BG/GSF averaging 6+ inches.

Also, I compared the price of buying 40 5-7 inch bass with buying 100 2-3 inch bass, and the latter option is cheaper by about $20 (Overton's online pricing and availability sheet). Even though the time to the first cull is accelerated, would these 6 inch fish be able to spawn next year?