Originally Posted By: jason7858

The people we bought this place from was not exactly good at cleaning up and I was always surprised at what you might find in the weeds. Tractor parts, weights,old pool liners, whatever. It has been about 7 years since we bought the place and its hard to remember how bad it was. It's been a lot of fun transforming in to something we want and if mowing makes her happy, hey works for me. smile

Our place was the same way. It took two years to clean it up by hand and get so we could keep it mowed. Overgrown , downed fences way off the property line, old car and haying parts, sheet metal, pipe, culverts, glass bottles, lumber, plastic, etc, all overgrown by brush and weeds. I don't understand why people trash up lands like that. It made for a good bargaining chip when buying it though.