My first treatment this spring I used granules from the shore out maybe five or six feet from the bank. As I recall that was in March and we were having a really early warm spring. I could see the FA growing on the bottom and wanted to get ahead of it.

It did a good job of knocking it out, but several weeks later was starting back in the shallow water around the shore line. That time I mixed up some liquid and sprayed only about a foot out from the shore line, figuring the chemical would work its way out a foot or two more (out about three feet total was what I was shooting for). That seemed to work for me.

I had some more later but only in small amounts and I was not trying to get completely rid of it. Only keep it from getting to massive amounts that would die and float to the surface. I have just a little around the edge of the pond right now mixed in with the grass/weeds where the water level has come up, and that is fine. I don't mind a little at all and in fact think it provides some food source for critters that the small BG fry like to eat.

Based on that experience, next year I likely will completely forgo the granules and use only the liquid around the edge, unless I start having problems in deeper water.

Last edited by snrub; 06/07/16 10:20 AM.


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