From what I have read they are not supposed to bother much. How many is too many I do not know, but the ponds I have seen that looked almost over run with turtles were very old ponds with lots of sediment and shallows. In other words kind of run down old ponds.

They also come and go. I have on occasion a very large red ear slider (big as I have seen them get, shell 10-12 inches front to back) that will be at the pond sometimes then moves on. Have seen it in the creek behind the pond also. Might a big female where my baby turtles are coming from. Point is, it does not stay in the pond year round. I have snappers do the same thing. They come, stay for a while, then leave. Once a huge soft shell turtle came and stayed for only a month or so. Would like to see it again. They are very reclusive.

Last edited by snrub; 06/01/16 10:52 AM.


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