Alabama, I have placed cut cedars made into brush piles in 5 to 7 places around my pond in different depths> I was thinking about water depths changing in the summer months due to several factors. You might keep this I mind when placing the cover. My water depth changed by 18 to 24" last summer Another thing about cedar is that it attracts fishing lures and it likes to keep them. frown Another thing is, like u, I did a lot of reading, looking a pictures etc about cover. I found that I had a lot of stuff around the place that I used to build cover. It kept my burn pit smaller and trash piles smaller by building cover with what lays around the place. A new one I came up with is really simple. I took a bag of cement, then cut small X's in the sack, pushed some cut off (3' and 4' sections) rolled tubing into the sk through the X and added water. Makes some really easy to build cover that does not collect so many lures. Place 5 built sks close together, It made a nice cover area.


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